Jumlah Osteoblas Dan Osteoklas Pada Proses Penyembuhan Luka Pasca Ekstraksi Gigi Setelah Aplikasi Gel Putih Telur Gallus Domesticus (Studi In Vivo Pada Tikus Sprague Dawley)


  • Sartika Pupita Bagian Biologi Mulut, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Nisrina Nur’aini Program Studi Kedokteran Gigi, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia




Egg white gel, Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, Tooth extraction, Wound healing


One of the most frequently procedures in dentistry is tooth extraction. Complications after tooth extraction often occur, such as swelling due to infection, socket trauma, to alveolar bone resorption which can make the patient feel uncomfortable. Alternative ingredients that have an effect on wound healing is Gallus Domesticus egg white which contains amino acids for formation of new tissue and accelerated recovery of damaged body tissue. The aim of this study is determine the effect and number of osteoblast and osteoclast cells after application of Gallus Domesticus egg white gel on glycerin iodine on wound healing after tooth extraction on day 3 and 7. The method of this study is laboratory experimental used 32 male Sprague Dawley white rats and it was divided into 4 groups (group I base gel, group II egg white gel, group III iodine glycerin, group IV saline. On the 3rd and 7th day, each group was sacrificed under anesthesia to make and observe histological preparations. The Results of this research is the Egg white gel was able to increase the number of osteoblasts and osteoclasts on days 3 and 7 based on observations using a light microscope. The conclusion is there are no differences in the number of osteoblasts and osteoclasts after the application of Gallus Domesticus egg white gel than glycerin iodine in wound healing after tooth extraction on day 3 and 7.


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