Gambaran Kebutuhan Subjektif Gigi Tiruan Berdasarkan Lokasi Kehilangan Gigi pada Masyarakat Sumbersari di Kabupaten Jember
Denture, Edentulous, Perceived needAbstract
Tooth loss is a common dental health problem that can affect oral functions. The impact of tooth loss varies depending on the edentulous location, while the use of dentures remains low due to differences in perceived needs. The Sumbersari Health Center working area is known to have a total of 3,522 dental cases. This number is the first highest in the urban area of Jember and the second highest in Jember Regency in 2023. This study aims to describe perceived needs for denture based on the edentulous location. This study aims to determine the perception of the perceived needs for denture based on edentulous location in the Sumbersari community, Jember Regency. This research employed an descriptive observational design with a cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted on 60 respondents aged 45-69 years who experienced edentulous condition selected by purposive random sampling. Data were collected through clinical examinations and questionnaires. Individuals with mandibular edentulous had the highest mean perceived needs for denture (16,24). Individuals who lost both anterior and posterior teeth had the highest average perceived needs for denture scores (16,95). In conclusion, the Sumbersari community had a moderate perceived needs for denture in maxillary edentulous and a high perceived needs in mandibular edentulous.