Laporan Kasus : Ekstraksi Open Method Disertai Kista Radikular Pada Regio Gigi 24
Radicular cyst, Tooth extractionAbstract
Radicular cyst is a cyst that is often found in the anterior maxilla and is difficult to detect when it is early in development. It is difficult to distinguish radicular cysts from chronic periapical periodontitis lesions so that radiographic examination is needed first. The purpose of this case study is to provide an overview of the tooth extraction procedure and the management of radicular cyst cases. An 18-year-old female patient came to the RSGM IIK, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with a complaint of remaining roots on the upper left back teeth. The patient said that the teeth had been extracted by a dentist but not all of them had been removed. The patient felt uncomfortable and disturbed when eating. Intraoral examination showed remaining roots of tooth 24, druk (-), reddish and edematous gingiva (-). Management of the patient in this case was extraction of tooth 24 using the open method technique.