Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Ungu (EDU) terhadap Jumlah Neutrofil Darah Tepi Pasca Prosedur Eksisi Mukosa Labial pada Tikus Wistar Jantan (Rattus norvegicus)
Excision, Neutrophil, Purple leaf extractAbstract
The wound resulting from the excision procedure causes an inflammatory process to occur. At the initiation stage of inflammation, neutrophils play an important role in the phagocytosis of foreign bodies during the first two days after injury. Although neutrophils play a role in preventing infection, the persistence of neutrophils will cause acute wounds that progress to chronic wounds. This is what triggers the use of purple leaf extract as an anti-inflammatory agent. Determine the changes in neutrophils after labial mucosal excision procedure in male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) given Purple Leaf Extract (EDU). The research method used is an experimental laboratory. In this study, five groups were used, namely the normal group, the control group, the first test group (given EDU 10%), the second test group (given 15% EDU), and the third test group (given 20% EDU) with 4 samples each group. Blood samples were taken for each rat on days 1, 3 and 7. The data from this study were carried out by the Two Way Annova parametric statistical test. The analysis showed that there was no significant difference between groups and between days of observation (α> 0.05). There is no significant decrease in the number of neutrophils in the peripheral blood smear of male Wistar rats after EDU administration, in the concentrations of 15% and 10% respectively. EDU is effective in reducing the number of neutrophils after the labial mucosal excision procedure in male Wistar rats.