Peran Pendidikan Kesehatan Gigi Dengan Pendekatan Model COM-B Terhadap Perilaku Menjaga Kebersihan Gigi Dan Mulut: Scoping Review


  • Muhammad Ramadhan Program Magister Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Komunitas, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Herry Novrinda Departemen Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat dan Kedokteran Gigi Pencegahan, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Atik Ramadhani Departemen Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat dan Kedokteran Gigi Pencegahan, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Iwany Amaliah Badruddin Departemen Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat dan Kedokteran Gigi Pencegahan, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Armasastra Bahar Departemen Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat dan Kedokteran Gigi Pencegahan, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia



Behavior change, COM-B, Dental health education, Oral hygiene


Oral health has a significant effect on overall well-being and individual quality of life. According to RISKESDAS (2018), the prevalence of oral health issues in Indonesia remains high at 57.6%, and only 10.2% of people seek dental care. This study aims to examine the role of oral health education via the COM-B approach on changes in oral hygiene behavior. This study employed a scoping review method involving a systematic search and analysis of relevant literature from various sources. Searches were conducted via scientific databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, and ProQuest with keywords relevant to the research topic. Article selection was based on preestablished inclusion and exclusion criteria, and data were extracted from selected articles for analysis. From the literature search, 14 relevant articles were selected and analyzed. The key findings included the role of factors in the COM-B model (capability, opportunity, motivation) in oral hygiene behavior. Some studies have highlighted the role of gender, knowledge level, access to dental care, and social support in shaping oral hygiene behavior. The COM-B model is essential for designing effective interventions to improve overall oral hygiene in the community. The use of the COM-B model as an intervention in oral hygiene is recommended to gain a targeted understanding of the factors influencing oral hygiene behavior.


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