Efek Pemberian Gel Ekstrak Biji Kacang Hijau Konsentrasi 10% (Vigna Radiata L.) Terhadap Penyembuhan Ulser Traumatik Pada Tikus Wistar Jantan (Rattus Norvegicus)
Healing time of ulcer diameter, Mung bean seed extract gel, Traumatic ulcerAbstract
Oral mucosa ulceration is the loss of the epithelial layer beyond the basement membrane and can affect the lamina propria. One of the most common causes of ulceration is trauma. Trauma can be physical or mechanical trauma. Treatment is needed to reduce inflammation, accelerate lesion healing, and prevent the entry of microorganisms through the lesion. Mung bean seeds are efficacious for increasing the formation of collagen fibers, initiating fibroblasts and increasing the tensile strength of a wound. This ability is obtained from the chemical content in the form of flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of giving 10% mung bean seed extract gel on healing of traumatic ulcers in male wistar rats. 27 rats were divided into 3 groups consisting of a negative control group (without being given anything), a treatment group (administered with 10% mung bean seed extract gel topically), and a positive control group (administered with Aloe vera gel topically). On the right buccal mucosa using a punch biopsy with a diameter of 4 mm with a depth of ± 1 mm. The treatment was given twice a day and the measurement of the diameter of the ulcer by placing a periodontal probe on the diameter of the longest ulcer horizontally or vertically was carried out every day until the ulcer healed. The healing time and the decrease in ulcer diameter in the treatment group were faster than the negative control group and occurred on the ninth day. In conclusion, mung bean seed extract gel with a concentration of 10% has an effect in accelerating the healing of traumatic ulcers.