Perubahan Tekanan Darah Setelah Pemberian Anastesi Lokal Pehacain Berdasarkan Indeks Masa Tubuh
Background: the use of Pehacaine local anesthetic in some people causes the change of blood pressureleading to systemic complication that may disrupt medication. This study is aimed at observing blood pressure
change post Pehacaine local anesthetic based on the Body Mass Index. Methods: the study was conducted to the
patients of oral surgery at Dental Hospital Faculty of Dentistry Jember University that needed local anesthetic using
Pehacaine; epinephrine 1:80.000 2ml. The samples of study were the patients of extraction of lower jaws posterior
teeth using mandibular block local anesthetic technique. The numbers 40 of the patients was divided into 2 groups
based on Body Mass Index, normal and obese. The data resulted were subsequently tested using t-test. Results: it
showed that the administration of Pehacaine local anesthetic increased systole blood pressure significantly in the
samples of normal and obese Body Mass Index. Conclusion: the change of systole blood pressure in the sample of
obese Body Mass Index was greater than in the normal Body Mass Index.
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